Citizenship in Armenia brings a plethora of benefits, making it a valuable asset for anyone seeking to broaden their global horizons. Not only does it allow for visa-free or visa on arrival travel to approximately 79 countries, but it also provides the convenience of dual citizenship, access to burgeoning business opportunities, and a host of other advantages.

This article delves into the various avenues through which fast citizenship in Armenia can be obtained. We explore the routes of descent or marriage, residence, investment, as well as special cases and exceptions in Armenian law. Further, we delve into the administrative processes and requirements needed for successful citizenship applications.

The quest for cheap citizenship need not be fraught with uncertainties. With precise knowledge about the processes involved, acquiring Armenian citizenship can be a smooth journey. The upcoming sections reveal this step-by-step path to achieving your goal. The detailed discussion aims to provide an informative guide that will serve as a reliable resource on your journey towards obtaining Armenian citizenship.

Whether you’re an investor eyeing an entry into Armenia’s vibrant economy or someone of Armenian descent wanting to strengthen your ties with the country, this article offers insights on how you can expedite your route to Armenian citizenship.

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1. Citizenship by Descent or Marriage

The concept of Armenian citizenship by descent or marriage operates under the principle of jus sanguinis, which places emphasis on one’s bloodline or lineage. This means that individuals with Armenian ancestry or those married to Armenian citizens are eligible to apply for citizenship.

Citizenship by Descent

Armenian citizenship through descent can be a viable option for those who can prove their Armenian heritage. To qualify:

  • The applicant should have at least one ancestor who is an Armenian citizen.
  • The proof of Armenian ethnicity could be a baptism certificate, birth records, or family records, among other documents.
  • These documents should be legalized by the Armenian embassy in your country of residence.

Citizenship by Marriage

Marriage to an Armenian citizen is another route towards obtaining an Armenian passport. The salient points of this pathway include:

  • The spouse of an Armenian citizen becomes eligible for citizenship after two years of marriage.
  • They must also spend at least 365 days in Armenia within these two years.

A key advantage to this route is that it does not require knowledge of the Armenian language or the constitution.


The benefits of acquiring Armenian citizenship through descent or marriage are manifold:

  • Extended Visa-Free Travel: Holders of an Armenian passport can enjoy visa-free travel to 59 countries.
  • Dual Citizenship: Armenia acknowledges dual citizenship, allowing citizens to retain their original nationality.
  • Business Opportunities: Citizens have the opportunity to register businesses and explore numerous entrepreneurial prospects within Armenia.
  • Land Ownership: Unlike most countries that restrict land ownership to their citizens, Armenia allows its citizens, including those who acquired it through descent or marriage, to own land.

Application Process

The process for applying for citizenship through descent or marriage involves several steps:

  1. Preparation of Documents: Gather all necessary documents such as birth certificates, proof of Armenian descent or marriage certificate, and legalized translations.
  2. Submission of Application: The application for citizenship can be submitted to the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of Armenia or to an Armenian diplomatic mission or consular office abroad.
  3. Processing Time: The processing time for applications is approximately six months.

The path to Armenian citizenship through descent or marriage offers a multitude of benefits, especially for those looking to explore opportunities in this culturally rich and historic nation. This option is particularly advantageous for those who can prove their Armenian heritage or have cemented marital ties with an Armenian citizen.

2. Citizenship by Residence

Gaining Armenian citizenship through residence involves a series of legal steps and fulfilling specific criteria outlined by the government. This pathway is suitable for individuals who have established their lives in Armenia through long-term residence and wish to solidify their status as citizens.

Explanation of Citizenship by Residence

Armenian law provides a means to citizenship for those who have legally resided within its borders for an extended period. This option is often pursued by expatriates who have integrated into Armenian society, contributing economically or culturally over several years.

Requirements for Obtaining Citizenship Through Residency

To be eligible for residency-based citizenship, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Legal Residence: Applicants must have held a valid residence permit in Armenia for a minimum of three consecutive years prior to the application.
  • Continuous Residency: It is imperative that applicants maintain their primary and continuous residence in Armenia throughout this period. It’s not necessary to be present in the country. You simply have to maintain your residency.
  • Criminal Record: A clean criminal record is necessary, both domestically and in previous countries of residence.

Duration of Residence Permit

The initial residency requirement spans three years with a permanent residence permit. During this time, applicants are expected to maintain their residency status without interruption.

Language Test and Other Criteria for Residency-Based Citizenship

Additional criteria include:

  • Language Proficiency: A proficiency test in the Armenian language is mandatory, ensuring applicants can engage meaningfully with the community and culture.
  • Knowledge of the Constitution: An understanding of the Armenian Constitution is assessed through a standardized test.
  • Biographic Form: Completion of a detailed biographic form is part of the documentation process.

The path to citizenship by residence underscores the importance of integration into Armenian society. It reflects a commitment from the applicant to adopt Armenia not only as a place of residence but as a homeland. The process affirms one’s dedication to upholding the laws, traditions, and cultural ethos of Armenia.

Applicants navigating this path benefit from legal guidance to ensure compliance with all residency-based citizenship requirements. The meticulous nature of documentation and adherence to administrative processes are critical components in achieving a successful outcome.

In addition to these criteria, applicants should be prepared to provide comprehensive documentary evidence supporting their application. This includes proof of lawful income, tax payments, and social contributions during their time in Armenia.

By satisfying these conditions, individuals lay down roots that extend beyond mere residency; they embrace full participation in the civic life of Armenia and secure privileges accorded to its citizens.

Citizenship by Investment

Investment-based citizenship programs create pathways for individuals to acquire nationality in a country other than their own by making significant financial contributions. Armenia’s approach to citizenship through investment is characterized by its dedication to attract foreign entrepreneurs and investors interested in fostering economic growth within the nation.

Armenian Citizenship by Investment Program

Armenia offers a citizenship by investment program designed to expedite the naturalization process for individuals who make substantial economic contributions. These investments may include, but are not limited to, sizable direct investments in the Armenian economy, charitable contributions, job creation, and payment of substantial taxes.

Investment Options for Acquiring Citizenship

The Armenian government has structured several investment options that qualify an individual for consideration under the citizenship by investment program:

  1. Direct investment into new or existing Armenian businesses
  2. Investment in government-approved development projects
  3. Contributions to state funds or charitable organizations with a high impact on society
  4. Significant tax payments evidencing economic activity in Armenia

It is imperative that prospective applicants consult with legal experts to understand the nuances of each investment option and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Process and Timeline for Naturalization Through Investment

The naturalization process through investment in Armenia typically unfolds as follows:

  1. Initial Consultation: Prospective applicants should seek expert advice to evaluate eligibility and select the appropriate investment route.
  2. Investment Decision: After identifying a suitable investment opportunity, the individual must proceed with the investment as per Armenian legal standards.
  3. Document Submission: Applicants must provide comprehensive documentation demonstrating their investment alongside personal identification documents.
  4. Due Diligence: The Armenian government conducts thorough background checks on applicants to ensure integrity and compliance with international regulations.
  5. Approval and Naturalization: Upon successful due diligence, applicants may receive approval for citizenship which leads to the final naturalization step.

The timeline from application submission to receiving citizenship can be relatively swift, generally spanning 2-3 months; however, it is subject to change based on individual circumstances and potential processing delays.

Prospective citizens must acknowledge that this streamlined path towards Armenian citizenship obliges adherence to all national laws and may carry additional responsibilities such as tax obligations. Navigating these complexities typically requires guidance from seasoned professionals specializing in Armenian immigration law.

4. Special Cases and Exceptions in Armenian Citizenship Law

Armenia’s approach to citizenship extends beyond the conventional pathways, recognizing special cases and providing exceptions that cater to individuals with historical, cultural, or economic ties to the nation. Key provisions exist for ethnic Armenians and non-Armenians who significantly contribute to Armenian society.

Special Passports for Ethnic Armenians

Ethnic Armenians may capitalize on an expedited pathway to citizenship through special passports. These documents are:

  • Issued to those who can establish their Armenian origin
  • Valid for a period of 10 years
  • Allow land ownership without the need to establish a legal entity

Applicants must provide proof of Armenian ethnicity which may include baptism certificates or archival documents. Once approved, the process typically takes between 60 to 90 days, and applicants can apply through a representative holding power of attorney.

Special Passports for Economic/Cultural Contributors

Non-Armenians who engage in significant economic or cultural activities within Armenia may also be eligible for special passports. This category includes investors, entrepreneurs, and cultural ambassadors who contribute to Armenia’s development and heritage.

Exceptions for Former Residents/Citizens

Armenia extends certain exceptions to its standard citizenship requirements under particular circumstances:

  • Former Residents/Citizens of Armenian SSR: Individuals who were residents or citizens of the Armenian SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic) are recognized for citizenship if they do not hold citizenship in another country.
  • Former USSR Citizens: Those residing in Armenia who were former USSR citizens without acquiring another nationality post-USSR dissolution could qualify for Armenian citizenship.

These exceptions account for the historical shifts in territorial and political landscapes affecting many individuals’ nationality status.

Recognition as Armenian Citizens

Individuals falling under these exception categories are:

  • Not subject to standard naturalization requirements
  • Able to bypass extensive residency periods
  • Exempt from language proficiency tests

To facilitate these provisions, applicants should adhere closely to administrative procedures and supply all requisite documentation substantiating their claims.

By incorporating these special cases and exceptions into its citizenship law, Armenia acknowledges the importance of its diaspora and values the contributions of those dedicated to its prosperity. The inclusion of such provisions demonstrates Armenia’s commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and reconnection with its global community.

5. Citizenship as Parent of Armenian Child

When it comes to Armenian citizenship, being a parent plays a significant role. Parents of Armenian children have a special opportunity to become citizens, regardless of whether they are married or not. Here’s what you need to know about this pathway:

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for citizenship as a parent of an Armenian child, there is one important requirement: your child must be an Armenian citizen. It’s important to note that this requirement applies regardless of your marital status. However, if there is a need to establish paternity, a marriage certificate may be necessary.

Application Process

The application process for this pathway involves proving your relationship as a parent to the Armenian child. Here are the steps you’ll need to follow:

  1. Gathering necessary documents: You will typically need to collect the following documents:
  • Birth certificate of the child with your name listed as a parent
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable) as proof of paternity
  1. Submission of application: Once you have all the required documents, you can submit your completed application along with them to the relevant authorities.
  2. Processing Time: The time it takes for your application to be processed can vary, but you should generally expect to wait several months before receiving a response.

It’s important to know that obtaining Armenian citizenship through this method does not automatically grant citizenship to any other minor children you may have who are not already Armenian citizens. Separate applications will need to be submitted for them.

Now that we’ve covered how parents of Armenian children can apply for citizenship, let’s move on to exploring the specific requirements and procedures involved in applying for Armenian citizenship overall. This information will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the different ways in which you can obtain Armenian citizenship.

Administrative Processes and Requirements for Armenian Citizenship Applications

Navigating through the administrative processes and documentation requirements of Armenian citizenship applications necessitates a thorough understanding of the procedural steps. Applicants must carefully compile the required documentary evidence and adhere to the specified administrative processes to ensure a successful application.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Armenian Citizenship Application Process

  1. Initial Consultation: Engage with a legal expert or immigration consultant to gain insights into your eligibility and understand the intricacies of the application process.
  2. Document Preparation: Collect all necessary documents, which may include birth certificates, marriage certificates, proof of Armenian descent, residency documents, and any other required legal paperwork.
  3. Document Legalization: Ensure that all foreign documents are duly legalized for use in Armenia, either through an Apostille (for countries part of the Hague Convention) or through consular legalization.
  4. Application Submission: Complete the citizenship application form and submit it along with all required documents to the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of Armenia or through an Armenian consulate abroad.
  5. Processing Period: The application will undergo a review process by various government bodies, which can take several months depending on individual circumstances.
  6. Oath of Allegiance: Once approved, applicants are required to sign an oath of allegiance at the Passport Office in Armenia.
  7. Receiving Citizenship Documents: Upon signing the oath, applicants will receive their Armenian passport and identification card.

Documentary Evidence Needed for Citizenship Applications

Applicants must provide comprehensive documentary evidence supporting their citizenship claim:

  • Valid identification document (passport or ID card)
  • Legalized birth certificate
  • Proof of Armenian ancestry or connection to Armenia (if applying based on ethnicity)
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Proof of residency in Armenia
  • Documentation confirming fulfillment of any military service obligations
  • Language proficiency evidence (for residency-based applications)

Additional Administrative Processes

Following a successful citizenship application, individuals may need to navigate other administrative procedures:

  • Driver’s License: Apply for an Armenian driver’s license if needed; this often requires passing a driving test in Armenia.
  • Banking Systems: Open a bank account in Armenia as part of establishing financial ties within the country. This typically includes providing identification documents and proof of address.

The meticulous approach to assembling documentation and adhering to each step is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition into obtaining Armenian citizenship. With proper guidance and preparation, applicants can integrate into Armenian society with ease, accessing further services such as banking and driving within the nation’s systems.


Securing Armenian citizenship can be a strategic move for individuals looking to benefit from a fast and cheap process, visa-free travel, and business opportunities in an emerging market. The country offers various avenues for citizenship, catering to diverse backgrounds and circumstances. Entities and individuals are encouraged to select the pathway that aligns with their unique situation—be it through descent, marriage, residency, investment, or as parents of Armenian nationals.

The responsive legal framework of Armenia creates a conducive environment for potential citizens. Each route to citizenship is well-defined, with clear steps and requirements. Prospective applicants should consider the long-term advantages of becoming an Armenian citizen, such as tax benefits and dual citizenship options.

Those interested in exploring the possibilities for acquiring Armenian citizenship are advised to conduct thorough research or consult with legal experts specializing in immigration law. With the right approach and guidance, obtaining Armenian citizenship can be a seamless and rewarding experience.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the benefits of acquiring Armenian citizenship through descent or marriage?

Acquiring Armenian citizenship through descent or marriage allows individuals to obtain an Armenian passport, enjoy dual citizenship by origin, and benefit from marriage-based citizenship.

What are the eligibility criteria for obtaining Armenian citizenship through descent or marriage?

Eligibility criteria for acquiring Armenian citizenship through descent or marriage include proving lineage or marriage to an Armenian citizen, fulfilling specific residency requirements, and completing the application process.

What are the residency requirements for obtaining citizenship through residence in Armenia?

To obtain citizenship through residence in Armenia, individuals must meet specific residency requirements, such as holding a valid residence permit for 3 years, passing a language test , and fulfilling other criteria outlined by Armenian law.

What are the investment options for acquiring Armenian citizenship?

The Armenian Citizenship by Investment Program offers various investment options for acquiring citizenship, including investments in real estate, business development, and other approved economic activities.

Are there any special cases or exceptions in Armenian citizenship law?

Yes, there are special cases and exceptions in Armenian citizenship law, such as provisions for ethnic Armenians and non-Armenians engaged in economic or cultural activities. Additionally, former residents/citizens of the Armenian SSR or former USSR citizens residing in Armenia may qualify for exceptions to standard citizenship requirements.

What administrative processes and documentation are required for Armenian citizenship applications?

The administrative processes for Armenian citizenship applications involve submitting detailed documentation to support the application, including evidence of lineage or marriage, residency permits, and other related paperwork. Additional administrative processes may include obtaining a driver’s license and navigating banking systems.