
I don’t want to think about the Apocalypse. I’ve got enough stress in my life as it is. But unfortunately, it does look like Western Civilization is on the decline. Here are some things to do if you can’t move right away or if you still don’t have a Plan B:

So here are 7 Ways You Can Prepare for the Decline of Western Civilization:

Why is the Decline of Western Civilization Inevitable?

There are many reasons why the decline of Western civilization can’t be stopped. First, it’s a trend that’s in motion. It’s an inevitability, like death and taxes. Second, there are multiple factors that contribute to the decline of Western civilization: over-regulation, pollution, the politicization of everything, and economic instability. The endless printing of more currency by Western governments will be a key factor in the decline of Western civilization.

In the West, we are over-regulated and over-taxed. Free market capitalism, the system which made the West, barely exists.

Permission from bureaucrats is needed for almost everything. Every transaction is heavily taxed. If you think about it from a historical perspective, you’ll realize that civilizations have always declined at some point in their lifecycle (think about the Roman empire or ancient Egypt). As such, what we’re currently experiencing right now isn’t anything new—it’s just another phase of human history that has been happening since time immemorial.

Finally, while it may seem scary or even sad at first glance – this process doesn’t necessarily have negative consequences for everyone involved; in fact, some would argue that these changes will actually benefit humankind as a whole!

For those who are prepared in advance, the decline of the West may even present us with new opportunities.

The Main Countries affected by the decline of Western civilization

If you’re reading this, chances are you live in one of the main countries affected by the decline of Western civilization. The United States, European Union (EU), Canada, Australia, the UK, and New Zealand are all in decline as they become increasingly less relevant to the rest of the world.

The decline is inevitable: no matter how hard we try or how much money we spend trying to combat it, it will happen eventually.

The Decline of Western civilization is a trend in motion that can’t be stopped. Therefore we may as well prepare for it.

Trends in motion tend to continue until they’re exhausted. We’re in the early stages of the decline of Western civilization. There is still a long way to go. Things are going to get increasingly messy in the main Western countries.

Have Multiple Citizenships/Passports

  • Have a second citizenship/passport
  • Have a second home/residence
  • Have second citizenship in a country less likely to be affected by the decline of Western civilization. Countries far off the beaten track with plenty of natural resources are the best options. The world may become less connected in the future. You want to find a country where you can survive without needing any essential items to be imported.

Asia and Latin America may be good options. Latin America has many options to get an easy second passport.

Have a Home in another continent

If you’re worried about the future, consider having a home on another continent. As Western Civilization declines, it’s likely that its decline will be accompanied by economic turmoil and social unrest. This means that your investments are likely to plummet in value, and it may even mean that the countries you live in become unsafe for foreigners or even citizens of those countries. Having a home elsewhere will give you an opportunity to be more stable financially and socially during these difficult times.

Have legal second residences in places that will be less affected by the decline of Western civilization

If you want to prepare for the decline of Western civilization, there are several things you can do. One of them is buying a second home in another country. This will allow you to have a place to flee when the time comes and help ensure that your money will be safe from any turmoil abroad. A good option is somewhere like Thailand that’s not too closely tied to the West.

Avoid big cities

Avoiding big cities may seem like a tall order. But this is where you’ll be most likely to experience social unrest, economic collapse and political instability. And when these things begin to happen in your city and surrounding areas, they’ll spread throughout the country quickly. Big cities have the most people, so it’s not hard for them to be affected by these issues. If you can avoid being in one of those areas for as long as possible, then there are far fewer chances that you will face them yourself.

Have precious metals safely stored in non-bank vaults overseas

You should have some precious metals stored in a non-bank vault—preferably an overseas one. Precious metals include gold and silver, but you can also store other types of valuable items like jewelry or rare coins.

  • The main reason to store your gold outside of your home country is to avoid government confiscation in the event of a national emergency. If you live in America and keep your gold at a bank in New York City, for example, it could theoretically be seized by authorities if they decide to do so (and if they don’t seize it now, they might very well do so later).
  • Keeping your precious metals far from home will also help protect them from theft by criminals who want easy access to these valuables. Thieves tend not to travel far from where they live; if someone wants your valuables badly enough that he’s willing commit murder for them, then chances are he won’t go far out of his way just to reach them!

Have a source of food production if you can

  • Have a source of food production.
  • Find seeds and tools for growing food.
  • Find land to grow your crops, if you have the means to do so.
  • Find water for irrigation or other processes, if necessary.

Have a source of food production. Find seeds and tools for growing food. Find land to grow your crops, if you have the means to do so. Find water for irrigation or other processes, if necessary.

I’m not trying to scare you. I just want to give a realistic picture of what’s coming and how we may be able to prepare for it. Food can be grown in small spaces. It’s also worth learning about foraging.

Mindset. Be prepared to leave your country quickly and walk away from everything.

The first way you can prepare for the decline of Western Civilization is by adjusting your mindset. Be prepared to leave your country quickly and walk away from everything. You’ll want to be able to live comfortably elsewhere so start planning for that now.

Have a plan for getting yourself there (be it via plane, train or automobile) and have another plan in place in case something happens on the way. If you’re going away from home, pack only as much as you can carry on one arm, to avoid getting robbed.

This is important because it means that we should be prepared for the decline of Western Civilization. This could happen sooner than we think, and if we’re not prepared mentally and emotionally, it will be even harder to deal with. Adjusting our mindset now can help us avoid or at least better cope with future shocks.

Cash and gold and silver coins will be essential. You don’t want to cross international borders with too much though as that could draw unwanted attention. Consider using digital methods too such as credit cards from offshore banks and, of course, crypto currencies.


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Be prepared for tough times

This is, of course, just a quick and dirty overview of some of the ways you can prepare for our inevitable downfall. There’s plenty more information out there on building up your disaster preparedness kit. It’s worth looking into when you have time to sit down by yourself and really think about what kind of future you want to live in. And remember: no matter how scary it might seem at first to prepare for this sort of thing, the best way to conquer fear is by being prepared.

Get in touch with us today if you need help with second passports, asset protection, and second residencies.